Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Where is God in my life?

In my daily life I spend many more hours thinking of what I should be doing in celebration of my Life, my Love, my Passion, than actually celebrating. I spend countless amounts of time worrying about the future instead of seeing the perfect moment in front of me. I have to remind myself to see the beauty in the tress, in the mountains, in the shrill bark of a dog.

And then a patient brings up God in a conversation. I wake up and look at the amazing number of different shades of green outside my bedroom door. I sit in a creek on a warm gorgeous day with birds overhead, a gentle breeze and good friends and the perfect moment is with me, briefly.

I seem to want to ask a lot of Whys. Why do I need this struggle? Why when I know that God is in everything and everyone do I not feel her presence always? There is no Why. Why not? Let go and breathe. I spend my life getting caught up in life but I am reminded and that in itself is a blessing and the glimpses I receive brief though they may be are perfect. I am honored and grateful.

in peace ...

1 comment:

bruced said...

Gosh, that was beautiful! ...brought tears to my eyes. I too, feel that God's presence is in the moment, every moment. Good or bad. Hard or easy. Pain or pleasure. If we can only remember to live, and enjoy God, in each moment, our lives could be spectacular!