Monday, April 27, 2009


That faith, according to the Buddha comes from our wisdom, prajna, our looking deeply. Faith comes from our having seen, our having experienced, not because we have heard about something. It is not true faith when we believe in something we have heard about. We have to bring it into our lives, practice it, and see it clearly. It's not enough to hear a teaching about walking meditation and think that sounds very good. We have to go out and do it to see how it really is. We hear about a recipe for making a cake and we say, that looks like a good recipe. But we have to really make the cake to see if it is good. And when we have heard about something and we put it into practice, we try it out and it works, then we really have faith.
~~ Thich Nhat Hanh

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Oh, I love TNH. This quote is especially wonderful. I've recently been thinking about how some people have faith in things that I could never believe in. It's the test of trying it out that these things failed, for me at least.

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